About Us

years of experience

We’re Here to Help

With many years of experience and over 40 Post Office stores on our books, our experienced and qualified team are here to help you expand your services and market your business.

Company History

More details coming soon.

Message from CEO

The Post Office is the backbone of our society. 90% of the population is in 1 mile of its nearest branch. We are the survivors of the high street. Our branches are retail magnets that bring communities together. The brand is a highly reputable tested and trusted. The way for us to move forwards is by working with leaders in technology and path way for new innovation. To bring ease of use to our customers and improve the customer journey and branch experience.

In my 17 years’ experience in the trade, I have built vast knowledge in all areas. I have innovative ideas that would change the landscape. I am certainly uniquely qualified and have built my position firmly in our market. I am in my mid 30s and I have had vast experience in this industry already. From investing to purchasing, working, managing, recruiting, training, coaching, motivating, leading, modifying, appraising, marketing and selling. I have knowledge of the entire business model. How its perceived by investor, clients, customers and how its perceived by sub postmasters staff and applicants, customers and clients.  I have tried and tested many routes for more profitability and have had the pleasure to build some great affiliations and worked with many organisations to create many positive partnerships.

I would like to see branches be superior.  Partnering with the likes of new companies and old, the government and service sectors such as the NHS, DWP and DVLA to expand and create new exciting invocations expanding our network. Our network is our net worth.

I have always played an active role in the direction of my branches. Many times I have tested different stock and merchandising techniques and worked with many suppliers to reach a golden standard that I now implement into ever branch. The key has always been growing the Post Office. The reputation and the quality of our work in the community. My branches help all the businesses in the surrounding area. I make it paramount to serve all the local businesses to make us the backbone of the community.

Having the ability to take my ideas and contribute to help other subpostmasters in aspects of running their business is something I have always been passionate about. With my understanding of the day to day running of not just single branch but as multiple operator and a strategic partner, I have knowledge about demographics, differing affluence, attitudes of sub postmasters and customers. I can advise on key changes on a simple single office transactional levels to multi branch operational levels. I feel like Post Offices are my life’s work, I would love to be a part of any process that could help me on ground level, to improve my staff’s day to day operations and customers experiences. Working with the board would be insightful for both parties and seem like my next stage in natural progression.

Running a Business is always a huge challenge, It is good to scrutinise performance so I can set goals and objectives. Leadership is something that cannot be provided, leadership is demonstrated. I lead by example, It is earned, I have earned the respect of my staff members and my colleges. I am in control of my internal working controls of my business and I have a set framework. This helps me to identify my risks and manage them. I have full knowledge of all the internal workings of the POL.

Having invested over a million pounds into post offices in my 15-year career, it’s safe to say that I have a keen eye for numbers and financial information. I have been able to deduce accurately the feasibility of many projects and many variants whilst hunting for my next offices. I know what works and what doesn’t.

My resilience in my career so far is testament to my energy and enthusiasm for my branches and my love for the brand, I will be supporting the Post Office values of trust, reliability and customer focus as the fundamentals of business.  

I have a unprecedented understanding of the retail market as I have managed and operated many branches in many areas, I can identify trends with a commercially focused outlook at all times, with the primary focus being that of our commitment to our social purpose on the high street.

I am now in a unique position to help my fellow subpostmaster to manage their businesses more effectively. Above all I firmly believe there has been a lack of support in the key areas that I have worked tirelessly on to provide a range of services that will be available on this site. I wish to work with subpostmasters in their best interests and help forge a path of support to a community that has not had the support that I feel is necessary.

Our Values

Value 1

Value 2

Value 3

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Team Members


Team Member 1

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Team Member 2

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Team Member 3

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Team Member 4

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Team Member 5

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Team Member 6

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